Shop for a cause
We know that every little bit counts, and that’s why The Village School Enrichment Organization believes that our “Shop for a Cause” program can make a BIG difference. When you shop with our partners or purchase goods online, you are helping to provide financial support for students and teachers at The Village School for extracurricular activities beyond the classroom. Our 501(c)(3) organization relies on the Village community and donors who want to make our mission a reality. Join us by following the steps below to shop for a cause and feel good about supporting our students and teachers with resources, opportunities, and experiences that go beyond the classroom. It’s effortless and easy as 1-2-3-4 to set up an account to make every shopping trip or online shopping experience a philanthropic deed.
1. Visit http://kroger.com
2. Create or login to an account
3. Go to “My Account” at the top
right corner and click on
“Community Rewards”. For
mobile app, click on “Rewards”
then “Community Rewards”
4. Search for The Village School
Enrichment Organization or enter
code PJ550 and Click “Enroll”
Each time you shop at any Krogers store, a portion of your purchase is given back to us which helps support extracurricular programs for students and teachers at The Village School.
At the very bottom of your Kroger receipt, it will show you are linked
to our organization. You must renew the organization selection each year in August.
Thank you for supporting our Village community!
1. Visit
Create or login to an account.
2. If you used the link above then it
will take you directly to Village
School Enrichment Organization.
If your account is not linked to
VSEO, you can click on
“My Cause” and enter in Village
School Enrichment Organization.
3. You can start searching for
retailers and heart it to add it to
your favorites list. You’ll be able
to see the percent give back for
each retailer.
4. Each time you shop within the
ShopRaise app or website, a
percentage of the purchase is
given back to our organization.
***Download the mobile app for
easier access!
You’ve just linked your ShopRaise account to The Village School Enrichment Organization!
Each time you shop, a portion of your purchase is given back to us which helps support extracurricular programs for students and teachers at The Village School. Thank you for supporting our Village community!
Shop over 1300 online
1. Visit
Create or login to an account.
2. If you used the link above then it
will take you directly to Village
School Enrichment Organization.
If your account is not linked to
VSEO, enter in the Enrollment
Code 4GYZR6ZUKS5K to link
your account
3. You can start searching for
retailers and heart it to add it to
your favorites list. You’ll be able
to see the percent give back for
each retailer.
4. Each time you shop within the
RaiseRight app or website, a
percentage of the purchase is
given back to our organization.
***Download the mobile app for
easier access!
You’ve just linked your RaiseRight account to The Village School Enrichment Organization!
Each time you shop, a portion of your purchase is given back to us which helps support extracurricular programs for students and teachers at The Village School. Thank you for supporting our Village community!