How we have supported students and teachers
Pompoms for the Vikings Elite Dance Team
Funded coach’s stipend, equipment, uniforms, and trophies for the elementary school basketball competitive team
Fine Arts
License fees and rehearsal materials for the HS musical
Music specialist workshops for MS Band, Orchestra, and Choir
Transportation for fine arts musical groups to attend several workshops and competitions throughout the year
Funded musical workshops hosted by Disney in Orlando
Provided catering for fine arts showcase
Speech and Debate
Speech & Debate professional development workshops/conferences for coaches
Provided snacks, meals, and drinks for Speech & Debate
Team bonding events for Speech & Debate
Funding for gala expenses
Wireless lapel microphones for the team for performance showcases and events
Shop our wishlist and Support our students and teachers
Our fine arts, athletics, speech and debate, and STEM/Robotics teachers have requested support to better serve their students. You can make a partial donation or fully fund an item on their wishlist. Your generosity will be acknowledged on our website, newsletter, and social media—unless you prefer to remain anonymous.