Giving FAQs
What is the legal name of the organization I am donating to?
Village School Enrichment Organization
What is The Village School Enrichment Organization's federal tax ID number?
Our federal tax EIN is 93-1897524
Is The Village School Enrichment Organization a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization?
Yes. We are a registered 501(c)(3) tax-exempt public charitable corporation under IRS rules. You can verify on the IRS website.
Where can I find more verification of your 501(c)(3) status?
The Letter of Determination is confirmation we have obtained 501(c)(3) status and can be downloaded on our
website in the About Us page and here and on the IRS website.
Is my gift tax deductible?
Yes. The Village School Enrichment Organization is a 501(c)(3) institution and all gifts are tax deductible.
How do I make a gift to your organization?
We offer various gift giving methods and you can visit all the options at our Support Us page. You can make a gift online using a Credit Card or PayPal, Cash, Zelle, Check, ACH, and Bank Transfer. If none of these work for you, please contact us at VSEO@VillageEnrich.org.
Is your donation portal secure?
Yes. Our website and donation portal is SSL certified and encrypted to ensure your credit card information is secure. Our secure URL begins with "https://" rather than "http." The "s" stands for secure and means the site is using a SSL Certificate. Also, the "lock" symbol next to our website name in the address bar means connection between your web browser and our website server is encrypted which is important.
Can I restrict my gift to a specific purpose?
Yes. The Village School Enrichment Organization supports multiple programs at The Village School, including but not limited to Fine Arts, Athletics, Speech and Debate - we continue to expand which programs we include and support based on the evolving needs of our community. When you donate online, you can choose from the drop down menu and designate the programs you would like to support with your gift. If you are sending your gift via Zelle, Cash, or Check - please fill out the Donation Form so we may properly record your gift. If you have any questions or want to clarify the purpose of your gift, please contact us at VSEO@VillageEnrich.org.
What if I don't know which program to send my gift to?
You can select "General Donation" and your gift will be distributed across all programs or for any other purpose that is aligned with our mission as The Village School Enrichment Organization sees fit.
Can I dedicate my gift to someone?
Yes. You may dedicate your gift in honor or in memory of someone. If you are sending your gift online, you can fill out the information. If you are sending it by another method, please fill out the Donation Form so we may properly record your gift. If you have any questions or want to ensure your gift will be properly recorded, please contact us at VSEO@VillageEnrich.org.
Can I set up a recurring gift?
Yes. Our online portal allows you to set the frequency for your donation. You may make a one-time gift, monthly, quarterly, semiannually, or annually. This applies to credit card transactions including PayPal. If you would like to make recurring gifts with other methods, please fill out the Donation Form so we may properly record your gift.
Will I receive a receipt?
Yes. You will receive an instant receipt upon successful processing of your gift online via credit card or Paypal. If you send a gift via any other method, you will receive a receipt within 1-2 days. For checks, you will receive a confirmation email we have received your gift - once the check is cleared, we will send you a receipt of your gift. Gifts that exceed $250 USD will also receive an official letterhead from our organization.
Can my company match my gift?
Yes. If you or your spouse work for a company that offers a gift matching program, you would receive recognition for the total amount contributed and multiply your impact. Some companies also offer retirees and other family members to match gifts. You can see if your company matches gifts by visiting our Support Us page.
How do school administrators submit a funding request?
School administrators can view the process for submitting an online funding request using the VSEO Funding Request Form. Requests must be aligned with VSEO's mission and compliant with 501(c)(3) IRS rules.
How do I contact your organization if I have questions or I need more information?
You can contact us at VSEO@VillageEnrich.org.